We act like an extension of your team, all of our services are designed to fit into the way your business works.
There are so many solution options we don’t know which one is the best fit for our needs
A comprehensive knowledge of the software options available to you combined with a tried and tested scoring system means that through the shortlisting process we can enable you to determine the best solution for your organisation
We lack the surplus resource and expertise to manage a digital transformation project
We are the additional resource that you need. With previous experience in system implementation management we will be with you throughout the entire process and steer you away from the common pitfalls
We don’t have time to fix the problem as we are busy firefighting time critical operational problems
Working alongside you we can run the project, taking as little resource away from you and your core business as possible
Digitisation would involve a massive skill shift for our staff
Training care staff to be competent and confident using a new system is part of what we love to do. There’s nothing like seeing the smile on a technology reluctant member of staff’s face when they have cracked it!
Digitisation is not part of our culture
We have experience in managing cultural change in the care environment, we appreciate its challenges and strive to make the transition as smooth and painless as possible
The high direct and indirect cost of digitising is beyond our budget
With a broad range of solution options comes a broad range of costs. We can help you find the solution to fit your budget and if done correctly will bring you indirect and direct costs savings